by Laurie Schlossnagle on 11/03/18
Two of my dogs, Dolly and Emme, and I just got home from an epic two-week girls' road trip. It was amazing and exhausting and just what I needed to do. I had lots of time to think and to listen to podcasts and audiobooks and to think some more.
In reflection, I learned I can totally do this on my own! And I learned that no matter how much more I *COULD* be teaching my dogs, they have a pretty darn good foundation. Oh, please understand, there is a lot more I should be teaching and want to teach my dogs!!! But I feel good the foundation is there.
Foundation is key. It's why we offer a free puppy class. Start with a great, solid foundation and you won't be sorry! We know your puppy is brilliant!!! We want to help you take that brilliant puppy and create a foundation for life-long learning. We all zoom right to Google when we want to know something and we draw upon the Google collective mind to get that information. That's what our puppy class is -- a collective mind of varied experiences that can support you, your family and your puppy.
Happy Training!