Side By Side Dog Training Services
Life together with your dog, side by side.
We provide training services to help you and your dog live life together. We ONLY offer one-on-one training (*NO* group classes) and we specialize in separation anxiety/distress, reactivity/frustrated greeter, therapy dogs, and competition dog sports.
For more information on these services,
please click on the title:
Packages are available. All packages have expiration dates . If you would like to find out more about packages, please contact us by clicking here.
No refunds after first session. No refunds on private sessions canceled less than 5 business days prior to the session or on sessions canceled earlier that we are not able to fill. If the session is part of a package, you may forfeit that session.
Approved refunds and changes to registration are subject to a $25 administrative fee.
All rates and packages subject to change without notice.