Blog– the ramblings of a dog trainer

Working Vacation

by Laurie Schlossnagle on 07/13/18

We are back in Utah and back to work after 10 days doing a bit of traveling and working.  It was great to get away, but it’s good to be back with the dogs and back to routine.

Laurie, her husband and two of their daughters, along with three of their dogs, are certified therapy dog teams registered with Alliance of Therapy Dogs.  Laurie is also a Director on their Board of Directors.  Therapy Dog work is a long-time passion and it’s super fulfilling to be able to not only volunteer as a therapy dog team, but also as a Tester/Observer and a Director!  The annual Board Meeting is always held in July and it was extra fun to combine it with a mini vacation to Mount Rushmore (a bucket list item for Laurie!) this year.

If you are interested in therapy dog work, please contact us.  We’d love to talk with you about this wonderful opportunity to share your dog with others!!!

Dogs, Fireworks, and Anxiety — Oh My!

by Laurie Schlossnagle on 06/28/18

This time of year is so difficult for so many dogs (and people too!).  The fireworks are loud, bright, and vibrating.  Just too much for some dogs to deal with.  And in Salt Lake City, we get the bonus of Pioneer Day fireworks at the end of July too!

While we can set up a counter conditioning/desensitization plan for dogs, let’s be realistic — how many of us just thought about it in the last week as we roll into the 4th (this trainer raises her hand…)?

So, since we don’t have time to do a bit of training with our dogs, let’s set them up for success during the holiday:

  • Management is the name of the game!  Where does your dog like to hide?  Let him/her.  Do they prefer to not go outside once they have heard a “boom?” Plan ahead and get them out to potty before the booms start.  Does your dog like to play fetch, do food puzzles, cuddle?  If possible, and if your dog is willing, try doing his/her favorite activities with him/her while fireworks are going off.  (PLEASE NOTE!!!! Comforting your dog is absolutely fine!!!!  It will not “reinforce the fear.”  If your dog needs you and some cuddle time, please, if at all possible, give that to him/her.)
  • If you are not going to be home, a few simple things will help your dog cope with the stress a little better:  set up a cozy, safe place for your dog — my preference is an airline crate with dog appropriate bedding and toys (don’t forget the water!), covered with a blanket.  Run a fan and turn on either the television or radio to a station with something bland playing (the Fourth of July coverage is NOT a good plan!).
  • If you have NOT tried medications with your dog prior to the holiday, don’t rely on them solely.  Sometimes they don’t work as expected.  If meds are your plan, make sure to do a test run.
  • Additionally, make sure your dog’s microchip and/or tag information is current and correct, write your phone number on the inside of your dog’s collar with a permanent marker for added identification, and double check your yard to be sure your dog doesn’t have any obvious escape routes.
Keep your dogs safe for these booming holidays!  And when you’re ready to start that training plan, let us know and we’ll be happy to help!!!

Our New Training Center

by Laurie Schlossnagle on 06/12/18

We are so excited to announce that we now have a Training Center at 2019 E 3300 S, in Salt Lake City!!!  This is something we have been dreaming about for years and the right space finally appeared on our radar.

I actually wasn’t really looking for a space, but at a training session with a friend one day, she commented that when we get a place, she would be interested in teaching a class (or two…).  So I went home that day and checked KSL (local classifieds) just for giggles, not expecting to find anything.  And there it was.  In all its perfect glory.  We went the following week to see it, and as the saying goes, the rest is history!

We are moved in and have been having classes for about a week.  We are still waiting on our floor, but until it arrives, we are working on the concrete.  It’s been exciting and stressful and fun to settle into our own space.  And we are excited about all the new possibilities ahead of us!

We are planning an Open House/Grand Opening for June 30…more info soon…

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