Learn the signs and how to work a course. Also covered -- ring entry routines, straight sits at heel, straight fronts, footwork, rear end awareness, attention, and remote reinforcement.
Instructor: Elizabethanne Stevens
Prerequisites: CGC or equivalent skills (with instructor approval). Previous rally experience is not necessary!
Registration is required (below). Class size is limited to 4 teams.
Side By Side Dog Training, 2019 E 3300 S, Salt Lake City, 84109
Rally Obedience is a dog sport where the dog and handler team follow a series of signs that tell the team what they need to do and where they need to go on a course that's different every time! Rally is a great combination of obedience, freestyle and agility designed to help any dog and handler team enhance and celebrate their special bond.
Rally Obedience is for all pure bred and mixed breed dogs, and any handler who wants to continue learning and playing with his/her dog. There are several different organizations with Rally programs -- C-WAGS (Canine Work and Games), WCRL (World Cynosport Rally), AKC (American Kennel Club), UKC (United Kennel Club), and ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America). You do not need to compete to have fun in Rally -- Rally is a great way to maintain your dog's skills while learning some new ones.
Our classes focus on C-WAGS and AKC Rally.
Equipment needed: collar/harness, leash, treats, and a crate. If you use a clicker and a target stick, they are great tools! A crate is required in class for relaxing while not working.